Represents a Message.


  • Message




audioMessage?: null | IAudioMessage

Message audioMessage.

botInvokeMessage?: null | IFutureProofMessage

Message botInvokeMessage.

buttonsMessage?: null | IButtonsMessage

Message buttonsMessage.

buttonsResponseMessage?: null | IButtonsResponseMessage

Message buttonsResponseMessage.

call?: null | ICall

Message call.

cancelPaymentRequestMessage?: null | ICancelPaymentRequestMessage

Message cancelPaymentRequestMessage.

chat?: null | IChat

Message chat.

contactMessage?: null | IContactMessage

Message contactMessage.

contactsArrayMessage?: null | IContactsArrayMessage

Message contactsArrayMessage.

conversation: string

Message conversation.

declinePaymentRequestMessage?: null | IDeclinePaymentRequestMessage

Message declinePaymentRequestMessage.

deviceSentMessage?: null | IDeviceSentMessage

Message deviceSentMessage.

documentMessage?: null | IDocumentMessage

Message documentMessage.

documentWithCaptionMessage?: null | IFutureProofMessage

Message documentWithCaptionMessage.

editedMessage?: null | IFutureProofMessage

Message editedMessage.

encReactionMessage?: null | IEncReactionMessage

Message encReactionMessage.

ephemeralMessage?: null | IFutureProofMessage

Message ephemeralMessage.

extendedTextMessage?: null | IExtendedTextMessage

Message extendedTextMessage.

fastRatchetKeySenderKeyDistributionMessage?: null | proto.Message.ISenderKeyDistributionMessage

Message fastRatchetKeySenderKeyDistributionMessage.

groupInviteMessage?: null | IGroupInviteMessage

Message groupInviteMessage.

groupMentionedMessage?: null | IFutureProofMessage

Message groupMentionedMessage.

highlyStructuredMessage?: null | IHighlyStructuredMessage

Message highlyStructuredMessage.

imageMessage?: null | IImageMessage

Message imageMessage.

interactiveMessage?: null | IInteractiveMessage

Message interactiveMessage.

interactiveResponseMessage?: null | IInteractiveResponseMessage

Message interactiveResponseMessage.

invoiceMessage?: null | IInvoiceMessage

Message invoiceMessage.

keepInChatMessage?: null | IKeepInChatMessage

Message keepInChatMessage.

listMessage?: null | IListMessage

Message listMessage.

listResponseMessage?: null | IListResponseMessage

Message listResponseMessage.

liveLocationMessage?: null | ILiveLocationMessage

Message liveLocationMessage.

locationMessage?: null | ILocationMessage

Message locationMessage.

messageContextInfo?: null | IMessageContextInfo

Message messageContextInfo.

orderMessage?: null | IOrderMessage

Message orderMessage.

paymentInviteMessage?: null | IPaymentInviteMessage

Message paymentInviteMessage.

pinInChatMessage?: null | IPinInChatMessage

Message pinInChatMessage.

pollCreationMessage?: null | IPollCreationMessage

Message pollCreationMessage.

pollCreationMessageV2?: null | IPollCreationMessage

Message pollCreationMessageV2.

pollCreationMessageV3?: null | IPollCreationMessage

Message pollCreationMessageV3.

pollUpdateMessage?: null | IPollUpdateMessage

Message pollUpdateMessage.

productMessage?: null | IProductMessage

Message productMessage.

protocolMessage?: null | IProtocolMessage

Message protocolMessage.

ptvMessage?: null | IVideoMessage

Message ptvMessage.

reactionMessage?: null | IReactionMessage

Message reactionMessage.

requestPaymentMessage?: null | IRequestPaymentMessage

Message requestPaymentMessage.

requestPhoneNumberMessage?: null | IRequestPhoneNumberMessage

Message requestPhoneNumberMessage.

scheduledCallCreationMessage?: null | IScheduledCallCreationMessage

Message scheduledCallCreationMessage.

scheduledCallEditMessage?: null | IScheduledCallEditMessage

Message scheduledCallEditMessage.

sendPaymentMessage?: null | ISendPaymentMessage

Message sendPaymentMessage.

senderKeyDistributionMessage?: null | proto.Message.ISenderKeyDistributionMessage

Message senderKeyDistributionMessage.

stickerMessage?: null | IStickerMessage

Message stickerMessage.

stickerSyncRmrMessage?: null | IStickerSyncRMRMessage

Message stickerSyncRmrMessage.

templateButtonReplyMessage?: null | ITemplateButtonReplyMessage

Message templateButtonReplyMessage.

templateMessage?: null | ITemplateMessage

Message templateMessage.

videoMessage?: null | IVideoMessage

Message videoMessage.

viewOnceMessage?: null | IFutureProofMessage

Message viewOnceMessage.

viewOnceMessageV2?: null | IFutureProofMessage

Message viewOnceMessageV2.

viewOnceMessageV2Extension?: null | IFutureProofMessage

Message viewOnceMessageV2Extension.


  • Converts this Message to JSON.

    Returns {
        [k: string]: any;

    JSON object

    • [k: string]: any
  • Creates a new Message instance using the specified properties.


    • Optional properties: IMessage

      Properties to set

    Returns Message

    Message instance

  • Decodes a Message message from the specified reader or buffer.


    • reader: Uint8Array | Reader

      Reader or buffer to decode from

    • Optional length: number

      Message length if known beforehand

    Returns Message



    If the payload is not a reader or valid buffer


    If required fields are missing

  • Decodes a Message message from the specified reader or buffer, length delimited.


    • reader: Uint8Array | Reader

      Reader or buffer to decode from

    Returns Message



    If the payload is not a reader or valid buffer


    If required fields are missing

  • Encodes the specified Message message. Does not implicitly verify messages.


    • message: IMessage

      Message message or plain object to encode

    • Optional writer: Writer

      Writer to encode to

    Returns Writer


  • Encodes the specified Message message, length delimited. Does not implicitly verify messages.


    • message: IMessage

      Message message or plain object to encode

    • Optional writer: Writer

      Writer to encode to

    Returns Writer


  • Creates a Message message from a plain object. Also converts values to their respective internal types.


    • object: {
          [k: string]: any;

      Plain object

      • [k: string]: any

    Returns Message


  • Creates a plain object from a Message message. Also converts values to other types if specified.


    • message: Message


    • Optional options: IConversionOptions

      Conversion options

    Returns {
        [k: string]: any;

    Plain object

    • [k: string]: any
  • Verifies a Message message.


    • message: {
          [k: string]: any;

      Plain object to verify

      • [k: string]: any

    Returns null | string

    null if valid, otherwise the reason why it is not

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