Interface GroupMetadata


  • GroupMetadata


announce?: boolean

is set when the group only allows admins to write messages

author?: string

the person who added you to group or changed some setting in group

creation?: number
desc?: string
descId?: string
descOwner?: string
ephemeralDuration?: number
id: string
inviteCode?: string
isCommunity?: boolean

is this a community

isCommunityAnnounce?: boolean

is this the announce of a community

joinApprovalMode?: boolean

if approval is needed to join the group

linkedParent?: string

if this group is part of a community, it returns the jid of the community to which it belongs

memberAddMode?: boolean

is set when the group also allows members to add participants

owner: undefined | string
participants: GroupParticipant[]
restrict?: boolean

is set when the group only allows admins to change group settings

size?: number

number of group participants

subject: string
subjectOwner?: string

group subject owner

subjectTime?: number

group subject modification date

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